Saturday 16 April 2016

Photos from Growing the 8-Bit Generation premiere

Leonard Tramiel, Bil Herd before the premiere 
On-stage with Bil Herd
What the audience saw 
(l to r) John Hollar, Bruno Grampa, Bil Herd 
Executive producer Bruno 
John moderates 
Surprise speaker Chuck Peddle 
(center) Bruno, Al Alcorn, Chuck, Leonard, Bil 
Much discussion after the premiere 
Chuck tells about how Leonard worked for him. 
Jeri Ellsworth listens to Chuck. 
Now everybody is listening in. 
Outside the auditorium door, the talk continues. 
Dinner after - Bil, Chuck, Luca Severini, Chris Collins, Robert B. 
Signed by Jack Tramiel, Leonard Tramiel, and now Chuck Peddle

On March 30, the documentary, Growing the 8-Bit Generation, premiered at Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California.  Here are some of the photos from the event.

More to come,
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
July 30-31 Commodore Vegas Expo v12 -