Friday 19 August 2016

Photos from CommVEx v12 2016

Jim Drew's SX-64 with the CRT unit removed...
...and replaced by this ported speaker...
...and 10-watt ampliflier stuck to its side.
Which makes for room-filling sound!
Another view
The CRT unit has been replaced by a TFT screen.
Ricardo Quesada showing off his unicycle...
...for use with his C64 game, Uni Games.
Ricardo aiding CBM engineer Bill Seiler in a PET repair.
Saturday's schedule
Yul Haasman with his modded C128
Sunday after Bill Seiler tells how he repaired the PET 8032.
Game competition for cash!  Head-to-head in Uni Games!
Attached to the air wall using the A.J. method
My escrima technique needs improvement!
Actor Todd Bridges with his CommVEx t-shirt
Sunday's schedule (with breathing room for prize giveaway)
Vincent M. meets Todd

The July 30-31 Commodore Vegas Expo v12 was another success!  We had a number of firsts -- the first time in a 4,000 square foot room, the first time a CBM engineer repaired a PET in front of our eyes, the first ever C64 game presentation with the use of a unicycle, and the first Hollywood actor to visit the show!

More photos--

Ricardo Quesada's photos

Dick Estel's CommVEx report and photos

Goog's photos

Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group