Thursday 29 June 2023

More videos from the Pacific Commodore Expo NW 2023

 Here are some short videos from PaCommEx presenter Bernie Innocenti.  The first two have Stephen Jones showing off C64 OS v1.04 and the last one has Dan Sanderson showing off the Mega65 to the crowd.


Robert Bernardo, organizer - Pacific Commodore Expo NW

More pics from the Pacific Commodore Expo NW 2023

 More photos are coming in!  This time from PaCommEx presenter Bernie Innocenti....



Robert Bernardo, organizer - Pacific Commodore Expo NW

Wide angle on the Amiga OS 4.1 on Bernie's Sam440ep

A closer view of the Sam440ep

Still another view of the Sam440ep

Dan Sanderson (in front of screen) starts his talk.

Dan (in the foreground) works the Mega65.

A really wide-angle view of the room

Arlis K's posterboard of his project

(l to r) Ultimate 64, VIC-20, Amiga 1200, THEC64 Maxi

(l to r) Commander X16, Sam440ep, Plus/4, Ultimate64

Listening to Rob Barlow's talk on 3D printing

Arlis keyed in this code...

...from the code held up by his father.

Again the Sam440ep

O.K., who wrote this on the Plus/4?

(l to r) C128DCR, PET 2001N, MSD SD-2, SFD-1001

SX-64 ready to be powered on

Rob Barlow's miniature monitors next to the computers

Our funky Saturday dinner restaurant...

...built from train cars

What is it?!

The Sam440ep again

Trying to update Amiga OS 4.1

Stephen Jones (center) begins his talk on C64 OS.

Looking over a program

Amiga 1200 with game on screen

A nearer view of Stephen showing off C64 Os

C64 OS ready to be used by attendees

THEA500 Mini sits on its box

THEC64 Maxi displays the game from its "carousel."

Almost all the computers on the west side of the room

Is it Luca's car?

Robert's package

Dan speaks (standing in front of the screen)

Another wide angle view

Dan continues speaking...

...and speaking...

...and showing off IFF's on the Mega65...

...and the pointer editor on the Mega65.

From here to our venue!


Tuesday 27 June 2023

High Honor at the Pacific Commodore Expo NW 2023

Arlis, our very young attendee to the Pacific Commodore Expo NW 2023, was in the midst of programming his game, High Honor.  Here's a short video on the game progress so far.


Robert Bernardo - organizer, Pacific Commodore Expo NW

Pacific Commodore Expo NW 2023 photos

 The June 24-25 Pacific Commodore Expo 2023 was a corker!  Below are photos from the event, detailing the machines and some of the people who made PaCommEx a whopping success! (The pics are not in order, i.e., please read the captions.)



Robert Bernardo

organizer - Pacific Commodore Expo


Darn! I missed getting a pic of it out of the box!

Mini C64 with working keyboard, miniature monitors

Colt to the left, B128 to the right

An A500 inside a Checkmate case

Ryan Sherwood's SX-64, C128DCR, and PET 2001/N

Examining what's on the Vampire v4

Stephen Jones' A2000 with 386 Bridgeboard & A-Max

Stephen Jones' Nabu PC

TheC64 on the left, classic C64 on the right

VIC-20 (left), Amiga 1200

Aw! The C16 worked at CLASS, failed at PaCommEx.

However, the Plus/4 was fine.

Amiga OS 4.1 working on a Sam440ep

The Commander X16

Sunday dinner after the close of the show

A familiar Commodore banner

Taking down the equipment on Sunday

Michelle and Younga laugh over something

Bernie and Devon

Stephen and a surprised Gordon

Daniela, Luca, and Riccardo

Sunday presentations

Intense playing on Sensible Soccer

Kent and Eric

Another look at the OS 4.1 on the Sam440ep

Saturday dinner (at the overflow table)

Saturday dinner (with the main group)

Aw! Waitress still cut off some people's faces in the shot.

Saturday's presentations

PaCommEx begins and then becomes crowded.

Younga painted this work of art!

The sandwich board with our info

The snack table would get more crowded with snacks.

Stephen setting up his exhibit

Mark setting up his Commander X16 next to the Plus/4

Looking over the machines during Friday set-up

Our venue at Old Rainier Brewery

M stands for Men's Restroom, not room M

Another view of the Intraspace

Pic courtesy of the Living Computers: Museum + Labs