Got the Demos, Games, Music drawers from Apollo OS
Where to get more stuff? From an Apollo OS CF card!
Had to tweak the Archanoid for a better frame rate
Gotta try out a classic game!
After formatting, partitioning, and installing from recovery USB stick
Without prepping the hard drive, this is what we got.
Another view of the back
A view of the back
Radeon RX550 now installed.
A look at the cables going through the case
Lots of cables to wind through the case
Modded backplate now attached; the board now lays flat!
SSD drive in the case attached (above the p.s. in this pic)
Another view of the test fit
Another test fit of the A1222+ board
Made the round holes bigger, the 2 right rectangular ones lower
Another view of the power supply installed
With the 3D-printed backplate, the A1222+ board didn't lay flat.
Test-fitting the 3D-printed backplate that was provided
Another view of the power supply in the case
The power supply slips into the corner of the case
The power supply I got from Central Computers in Santa Clara
The case's features |
A highly-rated case according to the Internet |
Once again Blogger has put my photos in reverse order, even though I renamed them. Oh, well, enjoy the pics of the assembly of the A1222+. My thanks to Duncan M. of The Other Group of Amigoids and his expertise in putting the machine together; I would have done a hack job on it if I were to do it!
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group - http://www.dickestel.com/fcug.htm
Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network - http://www.portcommodore.com/sccan
June 22-23 Pacific Commodore Expo NW 2024 - http://www.portcommodore.com/pacommex