Sunday 11 July 2021

Photos of the July 10, 2021 SCCAN Meeting

The Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network has resumed meetings!  The Northridge, California club had its first meeting since January, 2020.  Jeff showed his s-video modded VIC-20. Matt showed his MiST box with the latest cores. Thomas showed off the Atari 2600 (!) and Amiga accelerators. I showed off demos, games, music, and utilities on the Ultimate 64. Jeff, Thomas, and I had boxes of freebies for any of the members to grab! Below are photos of the July 10, 2021 meeting.


Robert Bernardo

Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network -


Some members crowded in the corner

Atari 2600 (!) running Synthcart and C64

Latest Furia accelerator for the Amiga 600

The latest TerribleFire 536 for the A500/2000Je

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