Ultimate 64 next to Amiga 600 |
Spectrum 128 clone next to Amiga CD32 |
Two Vectrexes next to MiSTer running Space War |
From Amazon.com, these books generated a lot of interest. |
Poly-88 that would run Star Trek for most of the show |
Atari boxes and software |
Two of the three Ataris |
And the other Atari |
IBM PC's |
Friday night and the traditional paella served after the show |
There was also vegetarian paella. |
Adding shrimp to the chicken paella |
Only a few tried the dance pad with the U64. |
Next to our exhibit was the one for the Computer History Museum. |
Robot take-over! |
Gabriele Gorla (center) of GGLABS |
Makers of little devices |
One view of the booth |
Another view of the booth |
Unicart for the C64 or C128 (bottom view) |
Unicart (top view) |
GLINK-LT next to serial adapter |
Our Vintage Computer Friends booth |
That's the biggest skateboard! |
Led by Erik Klein, the Vintage Computer Friends (classic computers) booth was once again at the giant Bay Area Maker Faire, held on May 17-19 in San Mateo (San Francisco area), California. This year the booth was pushed to the back of the Expo Hall, instead of our usual central location. This year we had less table space, and consequently, less computers to exhibit. However, we still had hundreds coming through to see, to reminisce, and to discover the old and the new.
For a quick video look-around, go to
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group -