Here are still shots from Saturday, Oct. 22, at the Amiwest Show 2022. Classic photos from Tim Jenison
Watch Kiki Stockhammer's presentation at
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group -
Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network -
Kiki gave photos after the dinner presentation.
Before Kiki started giving out photos
Tim Jenison, Kiki Stockhammer field questions.
...and continue to field questions.
Mark Randall (left) watches.
Kiki adjusts her microphone.
Before her talk, she adjusts the mic.
Kiki presenting at a German Amiga show
A better view of her at the German Amiga show
1994 Video Toaster team - Tim and Kiki in front
Classic photo of Tim at his workbench
Tim Jenison presents his Newtek slideshow.
Disguised Newtek offices
Prototype Video Toaster
Newtek team with Tim center front
Tim working away
The product before the Video Toaster
Jay Miner (left) and Tim Jenison
Tim continues his slideshow.
Prototype video capture device
Tim on the phone
R.J. Mical (left), Karl Miller, Kiki Stockhammer
Tim Jenision (background left), R.J., Kiki
Tim, Kiki, and Karl
Waiting for the doors to open for dinner
Duncan MacDougall's exhibit table(s)
Frances Bernier's exhibit table
R.J. Mical gives his presentation.
He thinks deeply.
Tim among the crowd.
Pizza at lunch time
Before a presentation (Bill and Jerry discuss)
One view of the room
Another view of the room
Tim, Kiki, and Karl