Here are my photos of the October 12 Rocklin Maker Faire at Sierra Community College in Rocklin, California (northeast of Sacramento). My first time at RMF, and it was a fairly relaxed affair with several hundred attendees, unlike the massive Bay Area Maker Faire coming next weekend. The very last on this page is a short video... hey, it was near Halloween and a Maker thought it was appropriate! :)
Expect thousands and thousands of attendees at the Bay Area Maker Faire,
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group -
Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network -
Late Friday afternoon after the car was unloaded
Ready Saturday morning - Ultimate 64 left, Atari 520ST
Amiga 1200 on the left, AmigaOne 1222+
Tandy 102
Before the crowd rushed in
Back-up C64 just in case
Closer shot of the A520ST with Gotek
Ultimate 64 w/ the popular Super Mario Bros.
Metro Siege on the A1222+
Rodland on the A1200
Lots of robotics as the show starts on Sat. morning
Getting crowded with attendees on the games
The show was held in the cafeteria (through the doors)